Solent Amateur Astronomers


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My Links and News

This is a list of Web sites I've found on the net that I think are neat and informative. Take a look and see if they get your stamp of approval too. If you have any sites that you think I should add, or if you find any links that are broken, please e-mail me and I will check them out. 

To the right of the site links are the latest science and space related stories from NASA updated frequently.

Solent Amateurs Astronomers The home page of the society that I belong to, lots of info in there updated frequently.

Astronomical Sites

A Kid's Guide to Astronomy A helpful resource, especially for youngsters.

Astronomy Now British astronomical magazine online.

Atlas Of The Universe This web page is designed to give everyone an idea of what our universe actually looks like. There are nine main maps on this web page, each one approximately ten times the scale of the previous one. The first map shows the nearest stars and then the other maps slowly expand out until we have reached the scale of the entire visible universe.

Big Bear Solar observatory, daily picture of the Sun.

Birch Grove Observatory The site describes the construction of the Birch Grove Observatory, a backyard observatory with a 3 metre dome housing a Meade 10" LX200 SCT in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.

British Astronomical Association The BAA has observing sections to cover most aspects of astronomy.

Can Stock Photo Can Stock Photo offers professional royalty free stock photography at affordable prices. The site's high-quality images start at $1, and a generous license agreement gives users the flexibility they need. Whether you need an image for advertising, presentations, brochures or just decoration, Can Stock Photo has you covered with its database of more than 1 million images! The site offers free weekly downloads with thousands of new images added every week. The site includes more than 1,000 astronomy images! Users may also register to upload their own images for sale through the site which are also then included in the Foto Search database.

Cyprus Astronomical Society Cyprus Astronomical Society is a non profit society established in 1990 by a group of professional and amateur astronomers living in Cyprus.

Foto Search Foto Search Image Library has a massive collection of astronomy images and videos.  The images include planets, stars, galaxies, comets, space travel, some of which were taken by the Hubble. It is a great educational visual aid and very enjoyable.  A simple search will bring up tons of great astronomy photos.  Browsing the images is free.  For example, see what different nebulas, space craft, and planets look like or view different satellite images. 

Fred Espanek's Eclipse Home Page Check out any eclipse in Freds site for this year, or any eclipse in the seven thousand year period from 2999BC to AD4000.

Astronomy Stock Photography at Go Graph GoGraph offers flexible royalty free stock photography, vectors, illustrations, graphics, and stock footage at low prices, including thousands of astronomy-related photos. Visitors can purchase and download stock images immediately.

Heavens Above Do you want to see the International Space Station flying across the skies? Predictions are also given for the Shuttle when it's on orbit, and many other satellite events. Sky maps can be generated for any location at any time or in real time. If you don't have a planetarium on your computer, this is the site for you.

Hubble Homepage Homepage of the Space Telescope Science Institute .

Kennedy Space Centre Homepage of the Kennedy Space Centre with masses of links that will keep you busy for hours.

Night Sky Info Weekly information about the night sky, astronomy articles and observations.

Scopereviews One of the most comprehensive telescope review websites on the Internet! Inside, you'll find detailed reviews of over 90 telescopes, eyepiece reviews, a beginner's advice column, feature articles, and lots more!

Scientific American Daily news covering all aspects of science.

Shuttle Press Kit NASA, United Space Alliance and The Boeing Company have joined forces to compile and present the definitive source for Shuttle mission information.

Sky and Telescope American astronomical magazine online.

Sky at night Probably the worlds longest running astronomy programme with Sir Patrick Moore.

Sloan Digital Sky Survey The Sloan Digital Sky Survey is the most ambitious astronomical survey project ever undertaken. The survey will map in detail one-quarter of the entire sky, determining the positions and absolute brightnesses of more than 100 million celestial objects. It will also measure the distances to more than a million galaxies and quasars. Apache Point Observatory, site of the SDSS telescopes, is operated by the Astrophysical Research Consortium (ARC).

Spaceflight News updates on various aspects of human spaceflight from NASA.

Spacescience Features daily news about NASA research, live sky events, space weather, and opportunities for readers to participate in real NASA science.

Spaceweather See what's happening on the Sun and in the skies.

Telescopes on a Budget There’s something about telescopes that have made them the awe of man for centuries. Ever since they were first invented in the early 1600s, telescopes have captured the imagination and wonder of the universe at large. Luckily, modern production methods have made simple telescopes more and more inexpensive and easier to use. Some more advanced models have incredible technological features, like interchangeable lenses, improved eyepieces, stabilizing mounts, and even photographic capabilities.

However, if you’re looking to stare at the stars on a budget, here are some good places to learn more.

Telescope House The Telescope House website is a showcase of the wonderful astronomical telescopes and associated products available from us by retail purchase from the shop or by mail order.

Telescope Reviews The site contains reviews of Meade, Orion and Celestron telescopes plus a number of articles about telescopes and astronomy especially aimed at beginners to the hobby.

Terraserver The most complete and up-to-date site for satellite imagery.

United States Naval Observatory Excellent site, full of tables and assorted information.

Universe Today Space news from around the internet updated every weekday.

News Links

Check out some of the news from NASA

Other Sites

Frixo Road Traffic Reports At Frixo we provide current Road Traffic Reports. It's a free service aimed at giving you live traffic news and information. Frixo specialises in traffic news and reports making it easy to use whether you're about to make a journey or out and about using our mobile service.

Arkadia International real estate classified ads from homeowners or brokers to buy, sell or rent your property, house, apartment, business, land. Worldwide directory of vacation rentals by owner.

Baddesley Beadle Read the current issue of the parish magazine of North Baddesley. Updated two weeks before each publication date.

City Photographic One of a couple of places in Southampton that sells telescopes. You can email for details from their site.

Multimap A handy online map. Find your UK location or destination using post codes or addresses, plus other features.

Parkers One of a couple of places in Southampton that sells telescopes. You can email for details from their site.

Romseynet Romseynet is a community Internet project bringing Romsey, Hampshire UK to the World Wide Web. It is intended to be a focal point for those members of the Romsey community connected to the Internet.

Southampton Online What's happening in and around my local area.

Southampton Vikings The home page of one of the oldest Ice Hockey Clubs in the UK. Although there is no home ice at the moment doesn't mean that the spirit isn't willing.

Trefoil House A holiday centre near Edinburgh for people with disabilities.

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This document is maintained by Pete Cutler.
Material (Space Calendar and News Excluded) Copyright © 2012 Pete Cutler